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Primary 1
Summer Primary Division
Pre-Ballet for Dancers Ages 4 - 7
Theses gentle preparatory classes introduce the basic elements of ballet to young boys and girls while working on coordination, rhythm, spatial awareness, ballet vocabulary, and classroom etiquette These classes help your child develop the essential skills of discipline and focus. Their education in the world of ballet is expanded with the opportunity to perform on stage in both the Nutcracker and the Spring Gala.
Primary 1 Pre-Ballet
Ages 4 - 5 yrs

Class meets once a week for 45 minutes
No minimum required attendance
No prior training required
(Students must be fully potty-trained)
This age-appropriate introduction to ballet for our youngest dancers will teach basic ballet positions, exercises, conditioning and movements across the floor while exposing them to various classical music in a fun creative form conducive to this young age group.

June 24 - July 26

Monthly Tuition
1 class/week = $75
2 classes/week = $95
Primary 2

Primary 2 Pre-Ballet
Ages 6 - 7 yrs
Class meets once a week for 45 minutes
No minimum required attendance
No prior training required
This preparatory pre-ballet class for these young developing dancers will continue to reinforce the basic ballet positions, exercises, conditioning and movements across the floor while exposing them to a wider variety of classical music in a fun creative form conducive to this young age group. Developing in maturity disciplined focus is given to preparing them to advance to the academy's Junior Division.

Monthly Tuition
1 class/week = $75
2 classes/week = $95
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