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Summer Junior Division
For Dancers Ages 8 and up
June 24 - July 26
Students begin a more formal classical ballet training in these levels which focus on the fundamental techniques and movements building an academic knowledge of technical skills. From correct placement of body, feet, head and arms to the basic positions and movements from which stems the foundation of ballet, the early dancer will also develop greater musicality and spatial awareness.
Students will advance to the next level at the discretion of the artistic director. Progress is based on the student's technical ability, strength, and effort rather than by age, though we give a suggested age. A student might spend more than one year in each level.
As the student progresses, additional weekly classes are added with an incremental level change.

Elementary Ballet
Ages 8 +
No prior training required
Class is 45 mins. once per week.
Often taken consecutively with one or more Ballet 1 class
Advancement out of this level is at the discretion of the director.

This introductory class is designed for the beginning dancer who has never taken ballet before. At the beginning of the Fall season it starts off similar to Ballet 1. But students joining the academy in the midst of a season may find themselves overwhelmed trying to catch up to the advancing beginning ballet class. Elementary Ballet will give them the focused training needed to fill the gap and catch up with the rest of Ballet 1. A student coming from the 45 min Primary Pre-ballet level may also find this class helps to ease them into the Junior Division more gently if they are not quite comfortable with the more structured hour long classes. This class is often taken consecutively with one or more Ballet 1 classes
Elementary Ballet
Ballet 1

Ballet 1a
Ages 8 +
for Summer: Ballet 1 twice per week
No previous training required. However, if student is registering mid season, it is recommended they also attend the Elementary Ballet in order to cover the gap missed in training.
Advancement out of this level is at the discretion of the director.
Students in Ballet 1 begin the formal, rigorous and disciplined training required to master the classical ballet technique. Ballet 1 will introduce aspiring dancers to the regimen of barre exercises, proper execution and articulation of technique, basic center work, head and arm placement as well as developing musicality and an understanding of ballet terminology
Dress Code (Ladies)
Leotard – Royal Blue
Tights – Pink Footed
Shoes – Pink ballet shoes in canvas
Hair must be secured away from the face and neck, preferably in a bun.

Dress Code (Gentlemen)
Top – White or black short-sleeved t-shirt
Pants/Tights – Black or dark color shorts, sweat pants or tights
Socks – White Socks
Shoes – Black or white ballet shoes in canvas
Ballet 1b
Placement and Advancement at discretion of director
Recommended Ballet 1 twice per week
for Summer : Ballet 2 once per week
Ballet 1b provides the developing dancer with continued reinforcement of the basic positions, exercises, conditioning and movements across the floor while the addition of a Ballet 2 class incrementally introduces them to a wider variety technical challenges. Students at this level are working on retaining and applying corrections, maintaining attention and focus throughout the class.

Dress Code (Ladies)
Leotard – Royal Blue
Tights – Pink Footed
Shoes – Pink ballet shoes in canvas
Hair must be secured away from the face and neck, preferably in a bun.
Ballet 2

Ballet 2a
Placement and Advancement at discretion of director
Placement assessment required for new students with prior training. Please call or email for additional information or to schedule an appointment.
Recommended Ballet 1 once per week
for Summer : Ballet 2 twice per week
Ballet 2 students will work towards increasing core and overall muscle strength, balance, posture, improving flexibility, and technical ability as they practice more complex steps and sequences of movement. Young girls will be preparing for pointe work, though it may still be a ways off. Young men's emphasis is on ballon.
Ballet 2b
Placement and Advancement at discretion of director
Placement assessment required for new students with prior training. Please call or email for additional information or to schedule an appointment.
for Summer:
Ballet 2 three times per week
Pointe 1 once per week (if invited)
Ballet 2b is similar to Ballet 2, but with the addition of a class which will help towards increasing core and overall muscle strength, improving flexibility, and technical ability as they practice more complex steps and sequences of movement. Young girls will most likely be assessed for going onto pointe at this stage. Young men continue emphasizing ballon as well as turns and beats. Students are encouraged to take the Stretch & Strength class.

Ballet 2c
Placement and Advancement at discretion of director
Placement assessment required for new students with prior training. Please call or email for additional information or to schedule an appointment.
for Summer:
Ballet 2 twice per week
Ballet 3 once per week
Pointe 1 or 2 once per week (if invited)

Students in Ballet 2c will continue classes at the Ballet 2 level, but will begin the transition to the Upper Division with the addition of one Ballet 3 class each week. In this way, they are encouraged to take special care and focus with their training in the Ballet 2 classes as they see the application of that work needed for the Upper Level class. Participating in the Ballet 3 class once a week will challenge the dancers with more advanced and difficult technique without overwhelming and frustrating them. They will also begin to understand the commitment required to advance in the Upper Division It is often at this stage that the young dancers are invited to begin pointe work and will add the Pointe 1 class. Pointe work at this level is not a guarantee and students should not assume when advancing to this level they will automatically be placed on pointe. From time to time, Ballet 2c dancers could be invited to apprentice with the performing company. Students are also encouraged to take the Stretch & Strength class.

Pointe 1
Placement and Advancement at discretion of director
Placement assessment required for new students with prior training. Please call or email for additional information or to schedule an appointment.
REQUIRED: Must attend technique classes at appropriate level 3x each week (Pointe class does not count towards the 3x)
Students need to take the technique class preceding the Pointe 1 class.
Beginning pointe work
Dress Code (Ladies)
Leotard – Color appropriate for current class level
Tights – Pink Footed
Shoes – Pointe Shoes properly fitted and approved by the instructor
Hair must be secured away from the face and neck, preferably in a bun.

Pointe 2
Placement and Advancement at discretion of director
Placement assessment required for new students with prior training. Please call or email for additional information or to schedule an appointment.
REQUIRED: Must attend technique classes at appropriate level 3x each week (Pointe class does not count towards the 3x)
Students need to take the technique class preceding the Pointe 2 class.
Intermediate pointe work
Dress Code (Ladies)
Leotard – Color appropriate for current class level
Tights – Pink Footed
Shoes – Pointe Shoes properly fitted and approved by the instructor
Hair must be secured away from the face and neck, preferably in a bun.
Pointe 1
Register, Etc.
Pointe 2
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