Jeanne Marie Marks - Assistant Artistic Director
A native of New York, Jeanne Marie Marks did not begin training until the age of 12 at Austin Civic Ballet and later Ballet Austin under the direction of Eugene Slavin and Alexandra Nadal. Recognizing her ability early on, she was accepted into Ballet Austin’s junior company gaining performing experience from an early age and was soon performing demi-soloist roles with the professional company. While with Ballet Austin she had the privilege to study with Igor Youskevitch, Moscelyne Larkin, Anatole Vilzak, Nathalie Krassovska, Norbert Vesak and Robert Joffrey. She was personally selected for ballets by prominent choreographers including Arthur Mitchell for Rhythmetron, Igor Youskevitch for La Fille Mal Gardee, Loyce Holton for Triangles and Alun Jones for The Fairy’s Kiss.
As soloist with Indianapolis Ballet Theatre, under the direction of George Verdak and Dace Dindonis and training under George Montague, she toured nationally in roles including Pas de Trois from Swan Lake and Fee Candide and Red Riding Hood in Sleeping Beauty.
Mrs. Marks performed as a soloist for several seasons with the Ruth Page Foundation in Chicago where she studied with Larry Long, Dolores Lipinski, Warren Conover, and Orrin Kay.
She Spent several summers studying on scholarship at the Balletschule für das Opernhaus, and Schweizerische Beruf Balletschule in Zurich as well as the Basler Ballet in Basel, Switzerland with teachers Amanda Bennett, Loya Molloy, Fumio Inagaki, Dori Catana-Beriozoff , Boris Bogmar and David Howard.
Hired as principle dancer for Austin Contemporary Ballet, it was during this time that Ms. Marks graduated from University of Texas with a double Bachelor of Arts in linguistics and German.
Mrs. Marks guested with many companies throughout the US and had the pleasure of working with several talented partners including Houston Ballet principal Phillip Broomhead, Pacific Northwest Ballet soloist John J. Todd, La Grande Ballet de Canadian principal Kenny Larson, and Joffery Ballet’s Jeremiah O’Connor.
In a joint performance with Tapestry Dance Company, Mrs. Marks was reunited with Randall Marks (now her husband and favorite partner), which ultimately led to their working together in a unique partnership performing many famous classic pas de deux throughout the US and onboard some of the finest six star Cruise Ships on the high seas.
Her favorite leading roles have been Cinderella, Aurora in Sleeping Beauty, Raymonda, Paquita, Diane & Acteon Pas de deux, Spartacus Pas de Deux, Spring Waters Pas de Deux, Don Quixote Pas de Duex, Sugar Plum Fairy, Beauty and the Beast and Alice in Wonderland as well as numerous roles created specifically for her.
After the birth of her son, Mrs. Marks danced for a short period with Austin Classical Ballet but now focuses on her husband, son and the responsibilities of assisting in the direction of Texas Metropolitan Ballet.